“How to stay in the closet” @ Platforms Project 2019, Athens

The experimental art group Bo.Ba (Katerina Botsari, Eleanna Balesi), with the help and support of the Backspace artist-run space, explores the limitations and transcendences of everyday life in modern metropolis. The British expression "I got out of the closet" is analyzed in two ways: On the one hand, the gendered dimension emerges in situations of revelation and visibility, claiming space in the foreground, in contrast to the conservative reflexes of a society flirting with abnormities of past. On the other hand, survival under suffocation status in the urban environment is the trigger and cogitation of the issue of spatial restraint and the livelihood of a large part of the population in adverse housing conditions. Wardrobe as a dwelling that is increasingly limited to meeting the minimum needs of a human / consumer / worker who is in a dematerialisation situation at the same time that the digital world promises unprecedented aesthetic experiences and technological advances boasts for her material achievements.

 opening day     
 installation view     
 open talk wirh Eva Papatzani    (PhD Candidate NTUA)